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Polish Alliance of Canada
Established in 1907 by a handful of Polish Immigrants calling themselves “The Sons of Poland”, the Organization became one of the largest community oriented groups of Polish Canadians in Canada. The first branch was formed in Toronto and eventually 47 active branches were located in Ontario as far south as Windsor and as far north as Fort Frances and Red Lake. Optimism prevailed in the fundamental truth that together, things could be accomplished and that unity provides security. The motto of the Polish Alliance of Canada is “Brotherhood – Tolerance – Education”.
The History of Polish Alliance of Canada, Branch 20, Windsor
Under the link above you will find more about our Organization’s history.
Our Goals and Accomplishments
Over the years, our fundraising efforts have included dances, garage sales, and the sale of Polish food at the Tecumseh Corn Festival. Branch 20 is a generous supporter of Polish Youth organizations in Windsor such as the Polish School and Tatry Song and Dance Ensemble. In the mid 1980’s, we sponsored a soccer team through Polonia Soccer Club and continue to provide a donation to that Club. We are also committed in supporting Canadian charitable organizations and Windsor hospitals, most recently donating $5000 to the Hospice of Windsor and Essex County. Our members volunteer to raise funds for charitable causes and promote our Cultural heritage including being actively involved in the new Polish Heritage Month activities during the month of May. However, we also like to socialize. We’ve marched in the Canada Day Parade and held activities such as family bowling tournaments and ski trips. Members have enjoyed one day outings to Toronto, Niagara Falls, Stratford, Frankenmuth, Sea World and Essex County Wine tours amongst others. Since 2005, a busload of members traveled to Chicago (twice), Washington, Montreal, Boston, Ottawa (twice), Pennsylvania and New York City (three times) for a 4-day holiday. Since 1975 we’ve held our Annual Family Picnic at the Polish Beach – joined by our children and now their children – for a wonderful day of fun, sun, BBQ and a delicious roast pig dinner. Our membership has grown to over 110 of which over 20 have been members for 25 + years making Branch 20 the largest Polish Organization in Windsor’s Polish Community. Meetings are held on the fourth Sunday in January, March, May, September and November at 2:00 p.m. at Dom Polski Hall at 1275 Langlois Avenue. New members are welcome to join.
2023 Branch 20 Executive

2023 Board of Directors – from left to right:
Stefan Piechura, Halina Roznawski, Maria Piznal, Wladyslaw Roznawski, Zofia Belczowski, Teresa Wojciechowski, Fred Pernal, Teresa Szramek (President of Polish Alliance of Canada), Zbignew Kruba (President of Branch 20), Mariusz Zalewski, Krystyna Szczech, Jerzy Zielinski, Edward Chemel, Wieslaw Plizga, Leszek Rudowski
2023 Executive |
President | Zbigniew Kruba |
I Vice President | Wojciech Sikora |
II Vice President | Mariusz Zalewski |
Recording Secretary | Zofia Belczowski |
Financial Secretary | Fred Pernal |
Treasurer | Edward Chemel |
Organizers | Halina Roznawski, Krystyna Szczech |
Audit Committee | E. Chemel, T.Wojciechowska, W. Roznawski, L.Rudowski, J. Zielinski |
Directors | Maria Piznal, Zbigniew Kowalczykowski |
Contact w/Reymont Foundation | Halina Roznawski |
Visitation of Sick Members | Wieslawa Lys |

Branch 20 Members with the President of Polish Alliance of Canada – Mrs. Teresa Szramek (sitting in the middle) at General Meeting – January 22, 2023, Dom Polski Hall
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
Polish Alliance of Canada, Branch 20, Windsor
c/o Z. Kruba, President – Ph.: (519) 258-3621
2176 Moy Ave.
Windsor, ON N8W-2M5
75th Anniversary Celebration of ZPwK, Branch 20 Windsor
On Sunday, September 23, 2018, ZPwK Grupa 20 Windsor celebrated the 75th Anniversary of our Organization. Celebrations began with a mass of Thanksgiving at Holy Trinity Church attended by guests from Zarzad Glowny, Grupa 20 members, Polonia Organization representatives and parishioners. The mass began with the entry of Poczet Sztandarowy. Father Zbigniew Sawicki warmly welcomed everyone in attendance and during his homily praised Zarzad and members of Grupa 20 for our contribution to Polonia and pointing out that it is now the largest Organization in Polonia.
Immediately following Mass, guests ventured towards Dom Polski Hall for a banquet. The hall was elegantly decorated in traditional red & white colours with beautiful table centrepieces featuring a Polish and Canadian Flag. Prezes Zdzislaw Roznawski welcomed the assembled guests. He called for the entry of Poczet Sztandarowy, followed by the singing of the National Anthems and a moment of silence for the deceased members of Grupa 20. He then introduced the Master of Ceremonies – Organizatorka Halina Roznawski who continued the program in English.
Halina Roznawska greeted the participants and introduced the honoured guests which included: Pan Andrzej Kiela, Vice President of Zarzad Glowny, accompanied by his wife; Pan Jan Adams, Glowny Organizator Zarzadu Glownego, accompanied by his wife; Pan Witold Jaroszewski, Chairman of the Scholarship Committee of the Wladyslaw Reymont Foundation, accompanied by his wife; Ks. Zbigniew Sawicki, Pastor of Holy Trinity Church; Siostra Anna Maria Fidor – Provincial Superior of the Polish Ursuline Sisters and Ks. Kanonik Mieczyslaw Kaminski of Holy Trinity Church. Representatives of 17 Polish Organizations in Windsor and Detroit were also introduced and thanked for their continued support and co-operation.
Following dinner, Pan Andrzej Kiela, Vice President of Zarzad Glowny and Pan Jan Adams, Glowny Organizator Zarzadu Glownego, presented glass “trophies” to Past Presidents Zbigniew Kruba, Andrzej Oczachowski and current President Zdzislaw Roznawski, thanking them for their dedication, work and adherance to the motto of Zwiazek Polakow w Kanadzie. Mr. Kiela and Mr. Adams also presented pins and certificates of distinction to 17 of the 20 members with more than 25 years of membership, congratulating them for their years of service. Pan Tadeusz Stanczak is the longest serving member (58 years) and held positions in Zarzad over the years. Due to his health, he was unable to attend the celebration. Prezes Zdzislaw Roznawski is the next longest serving member (43 years), followed by Halina Roznawski (42 years) and Edward Chemel (40 years). Pan Andrzej Kiela warmly spoke about the Organization, congratulating Zarzad and members of Grupa 20 and wishing them continued success and good health.
In 1993, a scholarship fund was set up with the Wladyslaw Reymont Foundation, thanks to the generosity of a past member, Pan Franciszek Kmietowicz. Normally, one scholarship is presented per year, but Zarzad of Grupa 20 decided to award two as part of the 75th Anniversary celebration. Julia Zalewski, a member of Grupa 20, and Steven Kulesza, the son of
Grupa 20 members, were each awarded an $800 scholarship presented by Pan Witold Jaroszewski, Chairman of the Scholarship Committee of the Wladyslaw Reymont Foundation.
Grupa 20 Windsor belongs to the Windsor-Chatham Branch of the Canadian Polish Congress. Pani Beata Slusarczyk, 2nd Vice President of the branch, presented Prezes Zdzislaw Roznawski with a certificate of recognition. Grupa 20 is a regular supporter of local youth organizations and was proud to make 4 donations as part of the 75th Anniversary celebrations. The Polish Language School was awarded $500; Song & Dance Ensemble Tatry were awarded $500, Polonia Windsor White Eagles Sports & Recreation were awarded $250 and Vocal Group “Polskie Nadzieje” were awarded $250.
Song & Dance Ensemble Tatry showed their beauty and talent by performing the Kujawiak and the Goralski. Vocal Group “Polskie Nadzieje”, consisting of siblings Julia, Michal & Marysia Zalewski performed 3 beautiful Polish National songs. A 12-minute video showcasing the history of the Polish Alliance of Canada and the activities of Grupa 20 in the previous 25 years were enjoyed by all.
As the programme came to an end, Prezes Zdzislaw Roznawski thanked the members of the Organizing Committee for their work towards the success of the event and all the guests for their support of our Organization and participation in the event. He then gave the order for the removal of the Sztandary, thus bringing the celebration to a close.
The members of Organizing Committee were: Edward Chemel, Ewa Slominska-Durka, Robert Karpinski, Maria Kulesza, Zbigniew Kruba, Teresa Lewicki, Wladyslaw Roznawski, Krystyna Szczech and Halina and Zdzislaw Roznawski.
A celebration such as the 75th Anniversary warranted the publication of a Commemorative Book. Steven Kulesza was responsible for page design and layout and Marta Soszynska designed the beautiful graphics on the cover. ZPwK 2nd Vice President, Maria Kulesza was solely responsible for collecting the greetings and advertising in the book. The 72-page book will be treasured by members and future members for many years to come and highlights the history of Grupa 20, specifically, the period between 1993 and 2018. This is the period that included the commissioning of a “sztandar”; Fundraisers such as dances, garage sales, food booths at festivals; $7500 in assistance to flood victims in Poland, $14,000 in support of orphanages in Poland; donations to local hospitals, a $5000 donation to Hospice of Windsor & Essex County; social outings such as the annual members picnic and bus trips. As they departed, every guest at the banquet received a copy of the 75th Anniversary Commemorative Book.
Zwiazek Polakow w Kanadzie is guided by the principles of education, tolerance and brotherhood. Grupa 20 has abided by this motto and are proud of the accomplishments in our 75-year history. The celebration held on September 23, 2018 has now become part of our rich history.
Prepared by: Halina Roznawski
Picture Gallery of the 75th Anniversay Celebration
Poczet Sztandarowy
Dyplom Recipients
Donation Recipients
Goscie Honorowi z Zespolem Tatry
Prezes Z. Roznawski, Organizatorka H. Roznawski
Zespol Piesni i Tanca Tatry
Zespol Polskie Nadzieje
Steven Kulesza, Witold Jaroszewski, Halina Roznawski
Julia Zalewski, Witold Jaroszewski, Halina Roznawski
W. Reymont Foundation Scholarship
2018 Award Winner
Julia Zalewska – the recipient of 2018 Award with Witold Jaroszewski and Halina Roznawski
2017 Award Winner
Steven Kulesza – recipient of 2017 & 2018 Award, Witold Jaroszewski, Halina Roznawski