Canadian Polish Congress

KPK Canadian Polish Congress Logo

The Canadian Polish Congress is a Canadian organization that represents our community’s interests before the people and Government of Canada. The Canadian Polish Congress promotes awareness of and respect for Poland’s history and heritage and the contribution of Poles to the culture of Canada and the world.

CPC – Windsor- Chatham Branch – Board of Directors for 2024 -2026 Term

Polish Heritage Month in Windsor – May, 2022

KPK Archives

Polonia zegna Antoniego Jedlinskiego

Polonia zegna Hon. Pawla I.B.Staniszewskiego

Polonia bids farewell to the Hon. Paul I.B. Staniszewski


Canadian Polish Congress , Windsor – Chatham Branch

Branch President: Mrs. Ewa Barycka
2050 Willistead Cr.,
Windsor, Ontario
Contact: Phone: (519) 256-4172


Anniversary Celebration on November 11, 2012, in Windsor